TITLE: PRELIMINARY WORK MAP DATA DATE: JUNE 18, 2013 PRODUCER: RAMPP 8401 ARLINGTON BLVD FAIRFAX,VA 22031 PURPOSE: DISSEMINATION OF PRELIMINARY WORK MAP DATA The preliminary work map data is an interim product created by FEMA in the development of preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) which reflect the results of an ongoing coastal flood hazard study for the New York/New Jersey coast. FEATURE CLASS: FP_Boundaries.shp: A spatial data set depicting the limit of the coastal floodplains Fields: Ln_TYP: Floodplain boundary line type. Includes 1% AND 0.2% annual chance floodplains COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State FP_Polygons.shp: A spatial data set depicting the polygon of coastal floodplain zones. Fields: FLD_ZONE: Floodplain polygon zone type. Includes VE, AE, AO, A, shaded X, and Unshaded X Floodway: Identifies a polygon as being within the floodway. STATIC_BFE: Base Flood elevation. Elevations are expressed in whole feet referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) Note: For AO zones, this attribute represents the average depth of flooding. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State Gutters.shp: A spatial data set that identifies the transitions between the coastal flood zones Fields: Id: Primary key for table lookup. Assigned by table creator. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State S_CST_TSCT_LN.shp: A spatial data set consisting of lines that depict the location that was used to provide representative information for the coastal flood models. Required when transect-based analyses were performed. Fields: TRAN_LN_ID: Primary key for table lookup. Assigned by table creator. TRAN_NO: Transect Number. Transect Number referenced to FIS report and printed FIRM panel. Each transect is normally numbered sequentially. CST_MDL_ID: Surge_Wave. Indicates the type of analysis that was performed. SETUP_DPTH: Wave Setup depth in feet. Indicates if additional wave setup was added to the stillwater. SIG_HT: Significant Wave Height. This is the wave height associated with the 1-percent-annual-chance storm event. It is the average height of the highest 1/3 of all waves. It is used in WHAFIS and RUNUP models. Normally shown in feet. SIG_PD: Significant Wave Period. This is the wave period associated with the 1-percent-annual-chance storm event. It is the time it takes for a wave of the significant wave height to pass a point. Normally shown in seconds. CON_HT: Controlling Wave Height. The controlling wave height value is 1.6 times the significant wave height. This field is populated when the significant wave height is available for the start of each transect. This field is not required if the significant wave height is not available for the start of each transect, and WHAFIS default values are used. MEAN_HT: Mean Wave Height. Average height of all waves. The mean wave height is 0.626 times the significant wave height. Normally shown in feet. MEAN_PD: Mean Wave Period. Average period of all waves. The mean wave period is 0.85 times the significant wave period. Normally shown in seconds. SHOWN_FIRM: Indicates if a transect line will be shown on a printed FIRM panel. XCOORD: X-Coordinate. The X-coordinate of the 0.0-foot elevation point along the transect. This point must fall on the transect and have the same horizontal datum of the subsequent DFIRM study. The coordinates must be entered using the same coordinate system intended for the DFIRM Database. Typically the 0.0-foot elevation point is represented in the S_Tsct_Basln spatial file. YCOORD: Y-Coordinate. The Y-coordinate of the 0.0-foot elevation point along the transect. This point must fall on the transect and have the same horizontal datum of the subsequent DFIRM study. The coordinates must be entered using the same coordinate system intended for the DFIRM Database. Typically the 0.0-foot elevation point is represented in the S_Tsct_Basln spatial file. HYDROID: Unique ID number for each transect that references modeling input and output files. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State S_FIRM_PAN.shp: The S_FIRM_Pan table contains information about the FIRM panel area. A spatial file with location information also corresponds with this data table. Fields: FIRM_ID: Primary key for table lookup. Assigned by table creator. ST_FIPS: State FIPS. This is the two-digit code that corresponds to the State Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code. This is a standard numbering system used by the Federal government, defined in FIPS Pub 6-4. These two numbers correspond to the first two digits of the panel number. Acceptable values for this field are listed in the D_State_FIPS table. PCOMM: Community or County Identification Number. This is the third through the sixth digits of the panel number. For community based maps this corresponds to the FEMA Community Identification number. For countywide maps this is the county (or county equivalent) FIPS code with a “C.” PANEL: Panel Number. This is seventh through the 10th digits in the complete panel number. This is assigned by the scale of the map and the position within the community or county. The panel number scheme is described in detail in Appendix K of these Guidelines. SUFFIX: Map Suffix. This is the final digit in the complete panel number. This is a letter suffix at the end of the panel number. The map suffix is incremented one letter every time the panel gets republished. FIRM_PAN: FIRM Panel Number. This is the complete 11-digit FIRM panel number, which is made up of ST_FIPS, PCOMM, PANEL, and SUFFIX. This is the FIRM panel number that is shown in the title block of the map. Work_Map: Yes or No. This field indicates if the panel has been revised with new data. PANEL_TYP: Panel Type. The type of FIRM panel identifies whether the panel is printed or not, and whether it is community based or countywide. Acceptable values for this field are listed in the D_Panel_Typ table. SCALE: Map Scale. This is the denominator of the FIRM scale as a ratio. For example, 24000 is the denominator for a 1? = 2000' map. Acceptable values for this field are listed in the D_Scale table. PNP_REASON: Panel Not Printed Reason. This is the explanation for the FIRM panels that are not printed. Only completed if the hardcopy panel is not printed by FEMA. For example “No Special Flood Hazard Areas.” See Appendix K of these Guidelines for commonly used values. NW_LAT: Latitude of North West corner of the panel. NW_LONG: Longitude of North West corner of the panel. SE_LAT: Latitude of South East corner of the panel. SE_LONG: Longitude of South East corner of the panel. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State S_LIMWA.shp: A spatial data set consisting of lines that depict the limit of 1.5 foot or greater coastal waves in a Coastal AE Zone. required when a Limit of Moderate Wave Action is delineated within the coastal floodplain. Fields: ID: Primary key for table lookup. Assigned by table creator. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State S_SHORE_LN.shp: A spatial data set consisting of lines that represent the 0.0-foot elevation contour. Fields: COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State S-PFD_LN: A spatial data set containing the location of the landward heel of the Primary Frontal Dune (PDF) Fields: PFD_ID: Primary key for table lookup. Assigned by table creator. COUNTY: Name of the County STATE: Name of the State PROJECTION: NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet (EPSG:2263) QUESTIONS: Email: region2coastal@rampp-team.com